
Simple - but true - it is more important to set the standards before you begin the project than anything else you can do.

  • Don't use sp_ as your prefix for stored procedures - treat these as reserved.
  • Consider using your company name or initials to generate site wide procedures e.g. scl_Update_Statistics
  • Mixed case procedures and views with capital table names helps to identify these easier
  • Document the common procedures - at the minimum with comments but preferably in a generic document for all to see.
  • If you have to read the TSQL twice to understand what it does - simplify it, the more legible the less likely it is to go wrong
  • Try to at the minimum get the main table in the procedure name.
  • Consider using scl_I_TableName for procedures which insert records and scl_U_TableName for update scl_D_TableName for delete procedures. Procedures with no I/U/D are defaulted to retrieval procedures.
  • Identify triggers easily by appending Trig to the name
  • Don't forget that there may be more than one row in a trigger - check the number of records in the deleted or inserted tables first
  • Never get details into a local variable and then do a select on the main tables - you'll only have the value of the first select


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Copyright©1999 SVEK Computing Ltd
Last modified: January 27, 2003